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    User Agreements

    As a user of the website, you have already agreed to the Terms of Service, the Privacy Policy, and the Acceptable Use Policy, all of which apply to your use of this entire site, including the message boards. In addition to those rules, the following rules also apply to your use of the message boards contained on this site. Your use of the message boards signifies your consent to these Message Board Rules. If you do not agree to all of these rules, you are not permitted to use the message boards. It is every member’s responsibility to read, understand and comply with all posted rules, including any rules that may be posted from time to time as Announcements on these boards. Ignorance of the rules is not a defense. You may contact Customer Support with any questions you may have regarding these rules.

    Moderator Rights and Responsibilities

    Moderators of this message board reserve the right to remove any content posted by members, or to suspend or ban any member at anytime or for any reason in accordance with these rules and in their sole discretion. They also reserve the right to handle all moderator issues privately.

    Please remember that moderators are also members and are dedicating their free time to preserving the integrity of the site for every member’s enjoyment. Please make sure you treat them with the respect they deserve.

    All correspondence with board moderators should include your username, email address and detailed explanation of the problem encountered.

    Moderators are not employees of, or Montillas LLC.; they work as volunteers to help ensure the success of the online community

    Please send any complaint you have to one of the moderators. If they are unable to rectify the situation, they will contact site management.

    Member Decorum and Standard of Care

    This site has members of all ages and all are expected to conduct themselves in a mature and responsible manner. Members are to respect the opinions of others and refrain from attacking another person for expressing their opinions. Name-calling, personal attacks and harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. As previously stated, moderators of this message board reserve the right to remove any content posted by members, or to suspend or ban any member at anytime or for any reason in accordance with these rules and in their sole discretion.

    If you feel you, or any other member, has been attacked or harassed, please contact the moderators immediately.

    Disciplinary Action

    The following list includes, but is not limited to, actions that will result in the banning of a member. There is no room for argument in defining and interpreting these terms. Moderators and management will make the final determinations in their sole discretion. Banned members are NOT entitled to explanations from moderators or management regarding their expulsion. Under no circumstances is a member entitled to a warning before they are banned.

    -Flaming, which includes, but is not limited to, use of racial, religious or ethnic slurs, sexually discriminative or homophobic language, cussing, and derogatory labeling.
    -Posting of ****ographic or otherwise inappropriate, offensive or obscene images.
    -Posting of subscription service exclusive content, including media, news, links, etc.
    -Posting of stolen music and video.
    -Use of another member’s photo, or any modified version thereof, without the member’s consent.
    -Anyone’s private information, member or not.
    -Spamming the board as a whole or by individual forum.
    -Threats at any level, but most severely, threat or encouragement of physical harm.
    -Hacking, including, but not limited to, hacking into or disabling other member or moderator accounts.
    -Impersonation of a Fighter, Promoter, or Owner of a Bare Knuckle affiliated business.

    Duration of Disciplinary Actions

    The length of a ban will be determined in the sole discretion of the moderators and management. The level of severity and degree of disruption caused by the offense will be considered. If a banned member returns to the board with a new account, that account will also be banned. Other members posting for banned members will result in disciplinary action on the posting member.


    You are cautioned not to post your own personal information in the interest of safety. You should not post your address, telephone number, or anything that might put you at risk. is not responsible for monitoring this information, nor liable for any consequences that may result from the exchange of this information. does not police copyright violations. If any member is reported to have violated copyrighted material, is not liable for any damages resulting from such violation. Additionally, the violating member is subject to ban as a result of posting copyrighted material.

    Please ensure that your thread title properly describes your post. The moderators do not have time to read every thread and may move something based on the thread title.

    If you would like to start a new thread, please take the time to see if there is already a thread started for that topic. Duplicate threads will be locked and the original will remain.

    Please make every attempt to post in the correct forum. The moderators will move threads not posted in the proper area.

    Do not use another member’s name in your thread title unless it is a positive post.

    Internet etiquette states that UPPER CASE letters are shouting. Unless it is something urgent, please use lower case letters when adding new discussions.

    If you start a thread and then regret your decision, within a reasonable time, you may ask to have the thread deleted. If the deletion of the thread will not adversely affect another member, the moderators will delete the thread provided the request is not unreasonable.

    Please post in English only. The moderators for this board can only moderate in English and will delete any posts that are in any language other than English.

    Always provide the proper link when posting articles so that credit is given to the proper source.

    Please refrain from spreading rumors. If you did not receive the information you are posting from a credible source, please do not post it. Moderators reserve the right to delete any posts they believe to contain false information.

    Rule Changes

    Management of this board reserves the right to amend and/or implement new rules at anytime. New rules may be posted periodically. It is every member’s responsibility to read, understand and comply with all posted rules. Your continued access to or use of the message boards after any such change to these rules shall constitute your consent to such change.

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