Guys, today we give the start of MMA gloves fights.
These fights will give fighters a chance to test their mettle, show their strength and fighting spirit, and most importantly, get a contract in the BFL and a chance to raise money at a stadium bare knuckle tournament.
BFL.Street – one round, two warriors, five minutes. No mercy!
In the first episode, the fight is given:
Lassi Tapani, representative of Finland.
Niall Turner, representative of England.
The guys are primed for victory! But only YOU will decide the fate of the fight!
Watch the fight till the end and vote in the comments!
More about fights: Instagram —
#BFL #bareknuckle #knockout #hardpunch #KO #boxing #BestFistLeague #bloodsport #knockoutpower #mma #mmafighter
Please go to BFL Youtube Channel to read full article.